Leasowe Lighthouse is a unique location and a site of interest from several different perspectives. For a number of years the Friends group have been hosting educational tours for schoolchildren from a wide geographical area.
Primary school groups (KS1) may have read the Lighthouse Keeper stories by Ronda Armitage and visiting a real lighthouse is an exciting outing for young children – and their teachers!
Teachers of slightly older children (KS2) are delighted to use the resources at the lighthouse which enhance studies of the coast, seaside, history, nature, mathematics, art and more.
We have had groups arrive with clipboards and questionnaires, tape measures and calculators for a variety of activities. The possibilities are endless.
From a practical point of view, the lighthouse is easy to access with plenty of space around it for the children to carry out many different activities, and maybe enjoy a picnic lunch if the weather is fine. Many schools combine a trip to Leasowe Lighthouse with a visit to the RNLI at Hoylake or a walk on the beach at New Brighton.
We also cater for Scout and Guide group visits with evening or daytime tours available, depending on the availability of lighthouse volunteers.

We do not have a set format for school visits, but we do have some considerable experience of how these visits can work and will do our best to accommodate your specific requirements. Please contact us for a booking form or further information.
Our charge for a guided tour is approximately £5 per child depending on numbers, we do not charge for Teachers and Adult Helpers.